tutors in durban
Trusted by 8800 customers

Trusted by 8800 customers

Who We Are

Umhlanga Learning Centre

The Umhlanga Learning Centre is conveniently located in La Lucia, just minutes away from the La Lucia Mall, La Lucia Library, Gym, Bank, Service station and medical centres making it convenient for students from surrounding areas like Durban North, Red Hill, Avoca, Glenhills, Glen Ashley, Somerset Park, Umhlanga, Illala Ridge and surrounding areas to attend. Also parents have their time of gyming and shopping while waiting for their child/children. There is plenty of free parking. It is a spacious and tranquil environment for any child to learn and feel comfortable in.
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Available on an Individual or Group basis relative to a student’s needs









At Umhlanga Learning Center

Some of the Benefits we provide

Our guarantees

  • Expert individual and group tuition
  • Qualified and trained tutors
  • Homework given on a regular basis
  • Safety of your child
  • Excellent results based on a student’s attitude


We have a waiting area if a child is done with lessons or is waiting for a lesson. Be assured if your child arrives early he/she is well taken care of. When a child is done with his/her lesson he/she is not allowed beyond the slam shut gate which is operated only by staff. Students stand within the boundary of the slam shut gate and the door to the centre and are able to see their parent’s/drivers vehicle. Then only they are allowed to leave. Safe drop-off and pick up point. This is a priority at the Learning centre.

Subjects & Lessons Offered

We cater for all Academic Subjects namely


Physical Science

Life Sciences



Information Technology

Register with us

If you think your child needs help, trust your intuition. Register with us Today.

All tuition programmes are in accordance with the appropriate NSC (National Senior Certificate) as well as IEB (Independent Examinations Board) syllabus.

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Lesson Duration & Times: Normally 60 minutes

In determining this the main factor is feasible concentration. In this context 60 minutes is generally considered appropriate. If in special circumstances the duration is increased then fees will be increased on a pro rata basis.

Lessons are scheduled within the following time frames

Weekdays (Monday – Friday)
08:30 am – 10:00 pm
Weekends - Saturday
08:00 am – 06:00 pm

In special circumstances such as pre exam or other valid occasions they may be extended as required to include extra time on Saturday afternoon or Sunday.
Fun Facts

we're on a Mission to Polish your skill

Our dedicated tutors are employed on a full-time basis and have no conflicting teaching commitments ensuring maximum zeal. Each tutor maintains a 100% pass-rate as a result of the freedom to teach to a student’s specific requirements within the framework of the recognized syllabus.
Pro Teachers
Skill Courses
Home Schooling
Students Enrolled
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